
Well-researched and sound integration of non-wood forest products into a forest management planning process presents an opportunity to understand the fundamental causative basis of forest dynamics through decision support systems (DSS). The aim of this study is to present a simulation-based mushroom integrated decision support system, ETÇAPSimulation model, and forecast the effects of forest management intensity on mushroom productivity and occurrence. This is conducted through five policy sets with different planning scenarios, representing timber-oriented forest management (T1), multipurpose forest management (M1, M4, M6), and no intervention (NI). The study area involves the Kızılcasu Planning unit from the northwestern part of Turkey. The spatial distribution and productivity models of Lactarius delisiosus and L. salmonicolor generated for the Kızılcasu Planning unit were used in the simulation based model. The results indicated that both minimum harvesting ages and the intensity of forest management interventions are very important for increasing mushroom productivity and occurrence in the case study area. Under the T1 forest management scenario, mushroom productivity is estimated to be approximately 12,469 tonnes. When the planning approach changes to NI, M1, M4 and M6, however, mushroom productivity experiences 86%, 28%, 26% and 33% reduction rates, respectively. Despite these reductions, spatial distribution of mushrooms has been positively affected by forest management interventions.Simulations with multipurpose management policy would probably lead lower estimations of spatial distribution areas and productivity of mushroom than timber-oriented forest management policy would. Multiple-use planning approach seems to contribute less to mushroom productivity and the occurrence than does timber-oriented approach. In fact, determining optimal harvesting ages and the intensity of forest management interventions for each forest value presents a great challenge for decision makers. The DSS tools like ETÇAPSimulation are of great importance to understand the long term effects of various management plans on forest dynamics. Active management of forest resources will be important for achieving simultaneous production of timber products and mushrooms.

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