
There is little theory of research concerning the impact of father absence on females. The present study compared father-absent and father-present preadolescent girls on the basis of selected measures of peer relationships, dating practices, source of sex information, family and peer relationships, and sexual experience. The sample consisted of 95 eighth-grade girls attending home economics classes in a junior high school in a low socioeconomic neighborhood within a large metropolitan area. The Father-Presento group consisted of 23 blacks and 19 Caucasians. The results suggest that in ghetto environments, father-absent girls may be exposed to and cognitively oriented towards sexually provocative and promiscuous experiences at an early aye. The father, in the ghetto environment, may have an important role in the development of sex-related attitudes, values, and knowledge of young adolescent girls. (Authorgtil) Reprinted from the Proceedings, 79th Annual Convention, APA, 1971 Impact of Father Absence on Heterosexual Behaviors and Social Development of Preadolescent Girls in a Ghetto Environment 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OR6GINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. re. wre.1 00 eard irmol ot:Ze Edward A. Nelsen North Carolina Central University and Patricia M. Vangen University of Wisconsin Although the effects of father absence on males have been studied rather extensively, there is little theory or research concerning the impact of father absence on females. Since father absence is equally common among both sexes, it is important to consider its potential effects on females as well as males. For males, father absence presumably results in loss of an object for sex-appropriate identification and loss of a sex-anpropelate role model. For females, conversely, the mother generally remains as ar appropriate sex-role model and object of identification, even when the father is absent. Father absence, nevertheless, may have significant effects on females. Without the father's authoritative influence, parental control in general may be diminished. Moreover, lacking father figures, girls may have insufficient opportunities to develop close personal relationships with mature members of the opposite sex, and they may lack opportunities to 3bserve family interaction between parents. Thus, father absence could affect eeieelopment of various heterosexual attitudes and behaviors, e.g., the qualety of opposite-sex relationships, concepts of masculine and feminine roles, sexual values and controls, etc. In an initial effort to explore some of the possible effects ef father absence on females, the present study compared father-absent t ,a father-present preadolescent girls on the basis of selected measures of peer relationships, dating practices, and sources of sax information. In addition, the two groups of girls were compared on the basis of an associative measure of concepts relating to family members, male and female peers, popularity and unpopularity, sex, and several related issues. The study focused on girls living in a ghetto environment, where father absence occurs With relatively high frequency' Method The sample consisted of. 95 eigth-grade girls attending home economics classes in a junior high school in a low socioeconomic neighborhood within a large metropolitan area. The Father Present (FP) group consisted of 18 Negroes 1This paper is based on data collected for a maste 's thesis submitted to the University of Wisconsin (Vangen, 1968). Requests for reprints should be sent to Edward A. Nelsen, Office of Researeh and Evaluation, North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina 27707.

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