
AbstractRapidly increasing uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is expected to have a significant impact on electrical power distribution networks. Considerable work has been carried out to understand this impact and quantify the distribution networks hosting capacity, with and without network management solutions. However, the current body of knowledge does not have a comprehensive review of the research done to‐date on this topic which is vital to understand the scope of the existing studies, the data used in analysing the impact, and, most importantly, the findings. A comprehensive yet focused review of impact of EV charging on distribution networks is presented by delving into the main factors restricting EV hosting capacity and the strategies used to maximise EV hosting capacity by managing the aforementioned impacts. The authors comprehensively summarise the approaches used to quantify the impact, network and data types, and the proposed solutions to increase network hosting capacity. Moreover, the shortcomings in the existing work are identified and recommendations for future research are provided to help stakeholders understand the current state‐of‐the‐art, make informed decisions, and to be considered by future researchers.

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