
Road agencies are facing the challenges of aging pavements, deteriorating networks, and insufficient maintenance budgets. This study addresses two limitations in the current state of practice in pavement management. First, because the evaluation of maintenance strategies has traditionally focused on economic and technical aspects, it neglects the environmental impact of maintenance decisions. Second, current management systems often provide a unique, optimised pavement maintenance strategy based on a specific objective(s) and constraint(s). The main objective of the study is to analyse the effect of including environmental aspects and funding availability in the design of maintenance strategies. To achieve this objective, the study followed a three-step methodology. First, this study reviews existing practices on pavement maintenance and the criteria considered to trigger the application of maintenance treatments and their effects on pavement condition. Then, maintenance strategies are optimised considering three levels of budgetary capacity and a sustainable evaluation which incorporates technical, economic, and environmental aspects over the pavement lifecycle. Finally, a case study dealing with an urban pavement network in Chile is analysed. Results obtained from this case study show that an increment of 2% in maintenance budget allows to account for more sustainable maintenance decisions, such as cold in-place recycling and full-depth slab repair, whose greenhouse gas emissions are lower than other alternatives. Results also show that functional asphalt overlay and microsurfacing are more recommended in flexible pavements when budgetary restrictions are low, whereas recommended treatments for rigid pavements exhibit small variability with budgetary restrictions.

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