
University of Jember is a university that has used Enterprise Resourse Planning (ERP) as a means to plan and manage its resources. The application of a system will certainly affect employee performance and organizational performance. This study aims to determine whether the implementation of ERP in University of Jember has an impact on the performance of employees (lecturers) and in order to generate conclusions in the form of evaluation of the application of ERP in the University of Jember better. Indicator used in this research is the performance of employees consist of Quantity of Work, Quality of Work, Job Knowledge, Creativeness Cooperation, Dependability, Initiative, personal qualities as the model. The method used in this research is qualitative method is descriptive analytical and evaluative, by analyzing the impact of ERP system implementation on employee performance components. The data obtained from informants in this case lecturers and the results obtained is the application of ERP has a positive impact on user performance components.

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