
This comprehensive research paper investigates the impacts of electronic cigarettes on public health, focusing on young adults. It examines both the short-term and long-term health effects of electronic cigarette use, exploring potential health risks and benefits, as well as the influence of electronic cigarette marketing on public health. The study uses a combination of literature review, questionnaires, surveys, and interviews with e-cigarette users and healthcare professionals. Findings suggest that while e-cigarettes might be less harmful than traditional cigarettes, they are not risk-free and are associated with various health issues such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, and potential addiction. The paper highlights the significant role of marketing in promoting e-cigarette use among young adults and raises concerns about e-cigarettes as a gateway to tobacco use. Recommendations focus on regulating e-cigarette marketing, implementing age restrictions, conducting further research, and increasing awareness, especially among young adults. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on e-cigarettes and aims to inform public health policy and practice.

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