
This research aims to examine how using digital tools and Technologies, Information, and communication (TIC) in higher education can help advance the goal of social inclusion. This study uses a qualitative and quantitative methodology to help in providing adequate results. The study also conducted descriptive analysis and cluster group effect to determine the relationship between the respondents in this study. This study surveyed 179 undergraduates at Peru's University of Lima and some of the data collected includes age, education level, and gender. As shown in the result, cluster 1 (chi-sqr = 29.78; p .001,max = 5.1), Cluster 2 (chi-sqr.= 99.6; p .001), and Cluster 3 (chi-sqr.= 13.1; p =.001). From the results, incorporating TIC into the classroom can have far-reaching effects on fostering social inclusion in higher education. However, several factors affect the extent to which digitization promotes social inclusion, such as the quality of the digital infrastructure, the digital competence of students and teachers, and the educational method is taken.

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