
Initial management of traumatic brain injury (TBI) without immediate need for surgical therapy varies across centers. The additional value of routine repeat cranial computerized tomography (CT) to neurological monitoring is controversial. This retrospective study investigates the impact of routine follow-up CT after 6h (CT6h) in initially conservatively managed TBI on surgical decision making. Furthermore, the impact of coagulopathy on lesion size and progression was examined. We reviewed charts of patients admitted to our clinic in the time between 1st January 2020 and 30th June 2022 for the ICD10 diagnosis S06.3 (traumatic brain contusion), S06.4 (epidural hematoma), S06.5 (subdural hematoma), and S06.6 (traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage). Baseline characteristics as well as timing, reason, and consequences of first and second cranial CT, clinical course, lesion size at first and second CT as well as presence and type of coagulopathy (standard laboratory testing and prior medical history) were noted among others. Significance testing was carried out using Student's t-test. The significance level was set to p < 0.005. A total of 213 patients were included, 78 were operated after first CT, 123 underwent clinical and imaging surveillance, and 12 patients were not treated. CT6h did not anticipate imminent neurological deterioration. Early secondary deteriorating patients (9/123, 7.3%) did so before 6h after admission clustering between 3 and 4h (6/9, 66.7%). CT6h changed surgical decision making in one case (1/114, < 1%). Nine out of 106 (8.5%) patients managed conservatively after CT6h showed a late secondary clinical deterioration or failure of conservative treatment, eight out of which had stable size of hemorrhage in CT6h. There was no significant difference in lesion size at first CT related to the presence of coagulopathy, antiplatelet agents, or anticoagulant drugs for SDH or contusions. In patients with radiological progression of SDH in combined brain injury (CBI), coagulopathy was associated with a higher increase of lesion size (diameter increase > 6mm: 11.1% with vs. 2.8% without coagulopathy). This effect was not observed for contusions in CBI (volume increase > 6ml: 17.4% with vs. 22.7% without coagulopathy). Early routine follow-up CT does neither anticipate imminent neurological deterioration nor impact surgical decision making. A substantial number of patients with initially stable follow-up imaging need delayed surgery due to conservative treatment failure. If patients can be monitored clinically, surgical decision making depends on clinical status. Patients with coagulopathy do not present with larger lesions, but show a higher ratio of drastic increase in SDH in contrast to contusions.

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