
Two field experiments were conducted during the two successive winter growing seasons of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 at Kafer El-Khawazim, Talkha district, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt to study the effect of irrigation systems (drip and gated pipe) and irrigation intervals (5, 7 and 9 days) on some evaluation criteria were studied to determine the best conditions to increase yield, productivity of irrigation water and quality of beans under heavy clay soil conditions. Data indicated that the highest value for water applied recorded under gated pipe irrigation and interval 9 days. For concerning irrigation application efficiency for drip irrigation were occurred with 5 days interval, while the lowest value was recorded under gated pipe system and irrigation interval 9 days. The highest values for vegetative growth, yield components, seed yield, productivity of irrigation water and quality traits of common bean recorded under drip system comparing with gated pipe and for irrigation interval, the highest values recorded with 7days, while they decreased slightly at 5 days and then decreased at 9days. The best value for the vegetative growth, yield components, seed yield, productivity of irrigation water and quality traits of common bean were occurred with recombinant inbred line compared to common bean (Navv bean). Finally, using drip irrigation system and irrigation interval at 7 days and selection RIL 115 are highly recommended to increase and improve the yield, productivity of irrigation water and quality traits of common bean under clay soils conditions.

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