
The present paper compares the impact of domestic acquisitions and cross-border acquisitions on Indianacquirer shareholders’ wealth during 2003-2008. A segregated analysis has also been conducted to measure theimpact of stake/control acquired, based on a sample of acquisitions of 268 domestic and 255 target firms acrossborder. Further, this paper also analyses the short-run performance of percentage of stake/control acquired inboth type of acquisitions. The stake/control acquired is divided into two categories: (i) complete acquisition and(ii) partial/majority control acquisition. Event study methodology has been conducted to analyse the share priceperformance of Indian acquirers in short-term. The findings reveal that cross-border as well as domesticacquisitions enhance shareholders’ wealth of the acquirer company on the announcement. The results indicatethat cross-border acquisitions generate higher returns than domestic acquisitions. Nonetheless, the segregatedanalysis makes it evident that the shareholders of acquiring firms of complete cross-border acquisitions earnhigher abnormal returns (significant at 5 per cent). The abnormal returns are higher (though statisticallyinsignificant) for partial/majority control domestic acquisitions.

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