
The research was conducted at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital Lampung Province. This study used 18 respondents. The variables in this study are: 2 (two) independent variables (X1 and X2) and 1 (one) dependent variable where discipline (X1) and motivation (X2) are independent variables and employee performance (Y) is the dependent variable. Quantitative analysis uses a simple regression equation with partial hypothesis testing using the T test, and multiple linear regression equations with partial hypothesis testing using the F test. From the results of data processing, it has been found that the answers to the hypothesis are as follows; there was influence of discipline (X1) on employee performance (Y), with a level of influence (R-square) of 73.0%, which means that discipline has an effect of 73.0% on employee performance. There was influence of motivation (X2) on employee performance (Y), with a level of influence of 48.6% which means that motivation has an influence of 48.6% on employee performance. There was influence of discipline (X1), motivation (X2) on employee performance (Y), with an influence level of 81.0% which means that discipline and motivation have an influence of 81.0% on employee performance.

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