
Background: Teachers' and pupils' responses to the Sport Education (SE) model have been very positive. Pupils clearly enjoy SE and the model created lasting changes in teachers' beliefs and perspectives on teaching. While much research has been done on the impact of SE on teachers and students, there has been relatively little research on how both inservice and preservice teachers (PTs) learn to use the model. Purpose: To discover the relative importance of different knowledge types in PTs' teaching of SE and the ways in which they acquired and developed this knowledge. Participants and setting: Participants were two PTs who each taught SE seasons to middle school pupils (grades six to eight) during their culminating student teaching internship. The SE seasons were ultimate Frisbee, tennis, flag football, and basketball. Research design: This is a qualitative study that uses Shulman's set of seven knowledge types as its theoretical framework. Data collection: During the seven-week internship, 14 non-participant observations were completed; each PT was videotaped twice; three formal, numerous informal, and two stimulated interviews were conducted with each PT; weekly significant incident and journal reports were submitted via email; and the teaching portfolio was reviewed. Data analysis: All data were entered into the computer program QSR. Data which indicated how PTs interpreted and delivered SE or were concerned with any type of teacher knowledge were identified. Knowledge data were then categorized by each of Shulman's knowledge types both within and across PTs. Finally, each category of knowledge was broken down into subcategories and themes by using the techniques of analytic induction and constant comparison. Findings: Both PTs implemented the full version of SE, interpreting the model in congruence with the spirit of its original authors and including all of its features. A hierarchy existed in terms of the importance and contribution of each of Shulman's knowledge types to the PTs' teaching of SE. Of prime importance was curricular knowledge. General pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and knowledge of learners also made a significant contribution to the PTs' success. Knowledge of educational contexts and knowledge of educational ends, purposes, and values appeared to have a lesser impact on the PTs' teaching. Moreover, the study indicated that physical education teacher education (PETE) was the major medium through which PTs acquired and developed their knowledge. Conclusions: The study suggested that it was not necessary for PTs to have high levels of content and pedagogical content knowledge in order to use SE effectively, providing they had a good understanding of the model, general pedagogical knowledge, and their pupils. The study also reveals that giving PTs early exposure to SE and having them teach within the model often during a series of early field experiences enables them to gain a solid understanding of its workings.

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