
Fifteen species in 12 genera belong to four families were collected from tomato fields in El-Fayoum governorate in 2006 and 2007 (July-Nov.). Collecting spiders started two weeks after the first acaricidal application and continued for ten weeks. Three different methods were used for collect-ing spiders i.e., sweeping net, direct count and pitfall traps. Challenger® 36% SC (Chlorofenapyr), LambdacR' 5% SP (Pyrethroid), Selecron® 72% EC (Organophosphate) and successive applications of ten pesticides recommended for use against tomato pests caused highly significant reduction in spider populations. ln 2006 season Lambda® treatment caused the highest significant reduction in the spider population 64 % while, Selecron® enhanced the lowest reduction, 51%. On the other hand in 2007 Challenger® treatment caused the highest reduction 65 %while, Selecron® was the lowest one 57%.

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