
Deep fake technology is an emerging technology that creates fake videos by using artificial intelligence (AI) with the facial expression and lips sing effect. Deep fake technology is widely used in different scenarios with different objectives. Deep fake technology is used to make a highly realistic fake video that can be widely used to spread the wrong information or fake news by regarding any celebrity or political leader which is not created by them. Due to the high impact of social media, these fake videos can reach millions of views within an hour and create a negative impact on our society. This technology can be used by criminals to threaten society by making such deep fake (AI) videos. The results suggest that deepfakes are a threat to our celebrities, political system, religious beliefs, and business, they can be controlled by rules and regulations, strict corporate policy and awareness, education, and training to the common internet users. We need to develop a technology that can examine such types of video and be able to differentiate between real and fake video. Government agency also needs to create some policy to regulate such technology so that monitoring and controlling the use of this AI technology can be managed.

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