
The study based on the primary data collected from 130 Self-Help Group (SHG) members and 84 non-SHG members revealed that the overall net income from buffalo and crossbred cows (Rs. 3862 and Rs. 5154) of member households was observed to be significantly higher than non- member households (Rs. 2610 and Rs.3062) with local cow reporting higher net income (Rs. 956) among non-members as compared to members (Rs. 230). The overall average family labour income for all the three species was also observed to be significantly higher in member households than non-member households. The overall average annual labour utilization per household in dairy enterprise for member households (387.37 man equivalent days) was also significantly higher than non-member households (246.40 man equivalent days). The participation of women was marginally higher in member households than non-member households which could be due to the fact that all SHGs are being run by women in the study area. The operation of feeding recorded the highest labour utilization followed by other activities including grazing, preparation of milk products, cutting of grasses, cleaning of shed, milking, bringing fodder, selling of milk and cleaning and washing of animal in both member and non-member households. The study clearly showed positive impact of dairy financing through Self-Help Groups and women empowerment on income and employment generation in the study area.

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