
The impact of curing and extraction time on yield and quality (water and ash content, gel and organolaptic properties) of the base gelatin from goat skin was investigated. The yield, water and ash content also gel strength of goat gelatin (GG) increased with increasing curing (10-50 days) and extraction time (4-5 hours). Higher water and ash content was observed with 30 days curing and 5 hours of extraction compared with the others conditions. In line with these, the higher gel strength was observed under the same conditions. The ash content of GG with 30 days curing and 5 hours extraction time increased by 0,26% compared to the GG with lower curing and extraction time. The Gel strength of all gelatins increased as the curing and extraction time of gelatin increased. To know the effect of curing and extraction time on gelatin organoleptic properties, ie color, has been analysed using Visible UV spectrophotometer. The results showed that there has been a detectable increase in color become darker along with increased curing and extraction time. Nevertheless, at higher extraction times (6 hours), the yield and quality of gelatin can not be analysed because the goat skin material has been destroyed. According to Indonesian Industrial Standard based on Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 06-3735-1995, it can be said that the best quality gelatin from goat skin was obtained from the manufacturing process using 30 days curing and 5 hours extraction time.

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