
A field experiment was conducted during 201113 at Avikanagar, Rajasthan, to study the effect of cropping systems and soil-moisture conservation techniques on growth and yield of fodder crops. The treatments were comprised 7 cropping systems, viz. sole buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) sole pearlmillet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], sole clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taubert], sole butterfly plea (Clitoria ternatea L.), C. ciliaris + clusterbean (1 : 1), pearlmillet + clusterbean (1 : 1), and C. ciliaris + C. ternatea (1 : 1)] in main plots and 4 moisture-conservation techniques [control, dust mulch, straw mulch @ 5 t/ha and farmyard manure @ 5 t/ha] in subplots. Straw mulching and the application of farmyard manure (FYM) were found significantly superior to dust mulching and the control in terms of growth and dry-fodder yield. Dry-fodder yield of Cenchrus ciliaris L., Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, Pennisetum glaucum. and Clitoria ternatea L. was significantly higher under straw mulching (3,607; 2,243; 7,041 and 1,746 kg/ha) over rest of the soil-moisture conservation treatments. The dry- fodder yield was also found significantly more under application of FYM (3,338; 2,046; 6,339 and 1,604 kg/ha) than the dust mulching (2,191; 1,864; 6,094 and 1,395 kg/ha) and control (2,012; 1,741; 5,718 and 1,182 kg/ha) respectively. The maximum soil moisture (%) was retained under the cropping system of C. ciliaris (4.83) alone followed by C. ciliaris + C. ternatea (4.09), C. ciliaris + clusterbean (3.99), C. ternatea (3.58), pearlmillet (3.55), pearlmillet + clusterbean (3.44) and clusterbean (3.42). Soil-moisture content also retained significantly more un- der the application of straw mulching (4.27) over dust mulching (3.71) and the control (3.41) but at par with FYM (3.99). Straw mulching under C. ciliaris cropped with C. ternatea was found effective for conserving soil moisture and improving forage productivity under semi-arid ecosystems.

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