
This research aims to examine the impact of COVID-19 on the Indian garment industry. The research methodology involves a literature review of academic studies, government reports, and industry publications, along with survey research conducted through secondary data. The findings of this research suggest that the Indian garment industry has been significantly affected by the pandemic, with declining exports, production, and employment. The use of tables, charts, and graphs provides a clear and concise presentation of the data, highlighting the implications of the findings for the industry. The research highlights the need for policy interventions to support the industry's recovery, such as financial assistance, labor reforms, and digital transformation. Overall, this research provides insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the Indian garment industry in the post-pandemic era. The findings of this research highlight the need for policymakers to support the Indian garment industry in its recovery from the pandemic. The industry requires policy interventions to address its financial, labor, and digital challenges. Financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, and tax breaks could help the industry overcome its liquidity constraints. Labor reforms could make the industry more flexible and competitive. Finally, investments in digital technologies, training, and infrastructure could help the industry improve its efficiency, resilience, and competitiveness. Overall, this research provides insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Indian garment industry, highlighting its challenges and opportunities. The use of tables, charts, and graphs helps to provide a clear and concise presentation of the data, while the literature review and survey provide a comprehensive understanding of the industry's situation. This research can inform policymakers, industry stakeholders, and academics interested in the Indian garment industry and its response to the pandemic.

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