
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has entered our lives since 2019. This severe respiratory disease is caused by type 2 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Since its first appearance in December 2019, it has led to a worldwide pandemic that continues to this day. Kidneys can be one of the target organs when infected with coronavirus type 2 (SARS-COV-2). It is necessary to pay attention to surgical interventions on the urinary system against the background of COVID-19. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention should be given to surgical interventions involving the urinary system. While various methods of correction for purulent-septic and obstructive urological diseases have been proposed for numerous conditions, specific indications and contraindications for patients with coronavirus infection remain largely unexplored.
 The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of the incidence of COVID-19 on the prevalence and severity of acute urological pathology, to determine the frequency and distribution of complications.
 The study is based on the analysis of 323 medical histories of patients with acute urological pathology who needed emergency medical aid and were admitted to medical settings in the city of Poltava in 2020-2021. Patients were divided into 2 groups: without and with co-infection of COVID-19.
 Having analyzed the structure of urgent urological diseases and their course in patients with co-morbid COVID-19, we were able to highlight certain statistically reliable points: an increase in the number of inflammatory diseases of the kidney and urinary tract, an increase in the number of cases of macrohematuria, and an increase in the number of emergency interventions for purulent-septic kidney pathology.
 The pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of these conditions are currently not yet sufficiently studied and require separate studies to further improve the provision of urological care to patients in the context of the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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