
Purpose:The purpose of this article is to address an emerging issue in rehabilitation counseling: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with aphasia (PWA).Method:Based upon a review of the literature this article provides an overview of (a) COVID-19 and emergent aphasia-related disability, (b) COVID-19 effects on stroke and aphasia services, (c) COVID-19 effects on mental health and employment of PWA.Results:This review of the impact of COVID-19 on PWA highlights the increased and emerging needs for rehabilitation counseling services related to an anticipated increase in incidence of aphasia related to COVID-19 illness and secondary impact of medical care for this population.Conclusion:The impact of COVID-19 on aphasia care in rehabilitation settings underscores the need for increased interprofessional education and collaboration to address the many gaps in aphasia care. Likewise, interdisciplinary research focused on rehabilitation outcomes in aphasia is needed to provide a foundation for evidence-based practice that conforms to the WHO-ICF framework.

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