
Introduction: Actions taken to carry out sustainable practice in ophthalmology during the COVID-19 pandemic have put the training process at an impasse. There is an enormous reduction in surgical volume and patient care by residents. In this article the authors discuss the primary challenges faced by ophthalmology residents during the pandemic and propose potential solutions. Purpose: To investigate the obstacles ophthalmology residency training has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss the viable methods that can be adapted to create a sustainable training atmosphere. Design: A review of current ophthalmology training practices to recognize lacunas in the system that limit the training of residents during the pandemic. Methods: A review of recent trends in ophthalmology training, PubMed Central query for training in ophthalmology and the author’s exhaustive experience in surgical and clinical training has been utilized to assess the current training scenario. Results: Actions taken to carry out sustainable practice in ophthalmology during the COVID-19 pandemic have put the training process at an impasse. There is an enormous reduction in surgical volume and patient care by residents. Conclusion: Although several pedagogical innovations were adopted to continue the training during the pandemic, there is still a need to realize the emergent nature of the problem and embrace alternative methodology to continue quality training in ophthalmology.

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