
COVID-19 is one of the most dangerous chemicals to human health everywhere on the planet. Arab countries are statistically rated fourth after the United States, Brazil, and Russia in COVID-19 cases. In Libya, there have been little research on the influence of immigrants and military conflict on the spread of infectious diseases. As a result, there is a pressing need to better understand disease behavior, as well as how to prevent recurrence and implement control measures among Libyans. In the instance of Corona, improbability is produced by a lack of awareness, unspecific symptoms, and a lack of viable methods to combat the epidemic due to the absence of a viable means to combat the epidemic immunization and effective medication. Exploratory scenarios can provide scientific strategic advice to policy processes in this state of basic ambiguity, allowing them to be better prepared. COVID-19 spread, treatment, and prevention pose serious issues for government and healthcare professionals. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 contagious disease from the first to fourth waves has created a threat to world peace, which has modelled mental health and global crisis management difficulties.

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