
Intensive conventional tillage practice has deteriorated soil quality and decreased potassium (K) availability in soil under maize-based growing areas in Indo-Gangetic Plain of India. Consequently, maize productivity has declined over the years demonstrating the need for sustainable alternatives. A present study was carried out in 2018-2019 in the eleventh year of an on-going long-term experiment initiated in the year 2008 to understand the impact of different tillage practices on K dynamics under maize-based cropping systems in Inceptisols of Indo-Gangetic Plain of India. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three levels of tillage practice as main plots: permanent raised bed (PB), zero tillage-flat (ZT-flat) and conventional tillage (CT-flat) and in subplots four different cropping systems viz. maize-wheat-mungbean (MWMb), maize-chickpea-sesbania (MCS), maize-mustard-mungbean (MMuMb), and maize-maize-sesbania (MMS). The result showed that the higher content of water-soluble K, exchangeable K, and nonexchangeable K were recorded in PB and ZT-flat tillage and MCS and MWMb as compared to CT tillage practice and cropping systems. Therefore, PB and ZT-flat tillage and MCS as well as MWMb could be better practices over the CT tillage practice and cropping systems for improving K availability in soil.

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