
The study was carried out by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kathua, to know the yield gaps between improved package and practices under cluster front line demonstration (CFLD) and farmer’s practice (FP) of Black gram crop under rainfed conditions. Cluster Front line demonstrations on Black gram were conducted on farmer’s fields during Kharif seasons of twosequentialyearsi.e2017 and 2018 under National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Govt. of India to demonstrate the impact of enriched agro-techniques on production and economic benefits under rainfed conditions. CFLD’s were conducted in 10 hectare area for two years with active involvement of farmers and scientific staff of KVK. According to analysis of data the highest grain yield was obtained in demonstrated plots with an average of 9.45 q/ha as compared to local check with an average of 6.2 q/ha. An average mean of extension gap, technology gap and technology index were calculated as 3.25 q/ha, 5.55q/ha, 36.66 percent, respectively. Adoption of improved package of practices in black gram cultivation recorded average higher B:C ratio (5.45) as compared to Farmers Practice (3.61) during the period of study. Thus, the productivity of black gram could be increased with the adoption of recommended improved package of practices. The study resulted in satisfying the farming community for higher productivity and returns.

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