
Quantifying the impacts of climate change on evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary production (GPP) in the Dongting Lake Basin is essential for assessing water scarcity and implementing sustainable development strategies. Premised on actual measurements and remote sensing data from 47 stations, the impact of climate change on eco-hydrological parameters in the Dongting Lake Basin was analyzed in the present study using the BESS model (The Breathing Earth System Simulator), ridge regression analysis, stepwise regression model and time-lag analysis. The results reveal that: (1) the Dongting Lake Basin has been warm and arid over the last four decades, with the frequent occurrence of extreme climate events. Vegetation carbon sequestration capacity exhibited a slightly upward trend with 0.0081 g C m−2 d−1/year from 2000–2017. ET changed with rates of −3.309 mm/year, with possible risk conflicts between water demand and supply in the future. (2) The increasing temperature was the main driver of ET enhancement in the Dongting Lake Basin. Meanwhile, both temperature and precipitation were found to be the dominant drivers of GPP enhancement. The effect of temperature on GPP was found to be greater in the areas covered by crops and tree vegetation, and natural vegetation was more strongly influenced by precipitation than radiation. (3) Extreme temperature events have had a significant impact on evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary production (GPP) in the Dongting Lake Basin. Specifically, the cold index in extreme temperature events was found to significantly affect ET, while the heat index in extreme temperature events significantly affected GPP. Additionally, both ET and GPP were found to respond to extreme precipitation events in the region. The results of the study established that vegetation is highly sensitive to temperature, especially temperature extremes, and that precipitation also has a stressful effect. Increasing temperatures and precipitation within a range benefit vegetation productivity. (4) In the Dongting Lake Basin, we found that different climatic factors produced different time lag effects on GPP and ET by time lag analysis. This study highlights the lag effects of climate factors and extreme climate events on eco-hydrological parameters. We suggest incorporating the effects into simulation models of eco-hydrological parameters. This will lead to a better understanding of the variation of eco-hydrological parameters under climate change.

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