
Climate change decreases the global agriculture production and also affects production of Horticulture crops. Horticultural crops are highly perishable and very sensitive to unpredictable climate change. Abiotic stress includes temperature, drought, flooding, outbreak of insect increase and Carbon dioxide concentration. During recent years many research showed impact of climate change on horticultural Crops production and quality. It was found that temperature leading apple flowering subsequently fruit setting qualitatively as well as quantitatively, increase of sun burn, and cracking in apple which marked decrease the fruit quality, lower tomato yield, in orange and mandarin poor quality, fruit drop, lose great ratio of total yield, in Cashew drying of flower resulting in yield reduction, in potato hinder the growth of root and stolon, delays the formation of tubers and starch accumulation, eventually lead to decrease yield. Drought stress cause in apple tree transpiration rate and photosynthesis rate reduce by the decrease stomata conductance. Flooding in China 47.5% of vegetable production damaged onion 30-40% yield loss and In India Kerela 25,138 production of spice loss. A major economical pest Tomato leaf minor (TLM) of both out door and greenhouse tomato causes yield loss about 80-100% under heavy infestation, changes color and fall tomato from stem and also out break infestation of sucking insects in banana. Carbon dioxide enrichment is impact on growth flower of greenhouse environment and also on coffee been quality but negative impact when the concentration is high. In the present review, impact of climate change on horticultural crops production and quality has been summarized.

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