
In recent decades, climate change and its impact on the ecosystem has remained a concern from global to regional to local scale. Many studies performed over India have highlighted the change in precipitation associated with the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and its linkage with changed land surface processes. Over North-East India (NEI), changed surface and atmospheric energy imbalance due to increase in wasteland, deforestation and over cultivation have made the soil barren. In addition, soil moisture of barren land has decreased, latent (sensible) heat decreased (increased) with stimulating ground heat increment. This led to lower evapotranspiration and convection leading to precipitation decrement. To analyse this in detail, the present study shows a lower increase in the near surface temperature during 1956-1985 (period I), but a higher increasing trend has been seen during 1986-2015 (period II). In the case of precipitation trends, an increase during period I and a decrease at a 95% significant level during period II are seen. The average air temperature warming rate increase of 0.09 °C/year is observed. The monsoonal precipitation has decreased significantly in recent years (1986-2015) than that in the past (1956-1985). In addition, a decrease in monsoonal precipitation at 0.35 mm/year rate during period II is seen over NEI. A prominent increment of 0.12 W/m2 is observed in surface sensible heat flux over NEI. Land use land cover change (LULCC) is continuously altering the local rate of change of thermal radiation, evapotranspiration and convection, and has also played a critical role in defining monsoonal precipitation over NEI. However, the surface net solar and thermal radiation change are in equilibrium with the surface sensible and latent heat for sustaining the surface energy budget. Hence, a small change in surface net radiation causes an imbalance of surface energetics. It is one of the most prominent causes for the precipitation pattern changes over NEI. The LULCCs and earth’ surface energy imbalance reinforce climate variability and climate change over the study region.

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