
Diseases caused by fungi in the genus Calonectria pose a significant threat to the ornamental horticulture industries in Europe and the United States. Calonectria spp. are particularly challenging pathogens to manage in ornamental production systems and the urban landscape for multiple reasons. A high level of species diversity and poorly resolved taxonomy in the genus makes proper pathogen identification and disease diagnosis a challenge, though recent molecular phylogenetic studies have made significant advances in species delimitation. From a disease management perspective, Calonectria spp. produce long-lived survival structures (microsclerotia) that contaminate nursery production systems and can survive multiple years in the absence of a susceptible plant host. Latent infection of plant material is poorly understood but likely contributes to long-distance dissemination of these fungal pathogens, including the clonal Calonectria spp. responsible for the global emergence of boxwood blight. Breeding for disease resistance represents a sustainable strategy for managing Calonectria diseases but is challenging due to the perennial nature of many ornamental plants and high levels of susceptibility in commercial cultivars. Ultimately, long-term sustainable management of Calonectria diseases will require an improved understanding of pathogen biology as well as integration of multiple disease management strategies.

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