
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a standout amongst the latest and remarkable regional economic integration strategies of Chinese government. This initiative incorporates South Asia which is a piece of Asian territory. From past researches we came to know that regional trade intensity among south Asian nations is low. The majority of the analysts finished up by computing the general list at beneath 0.5. Notwithstanding various multilateral and reciprocal Free Trade Agreements (FTA) exchange coordination did not increment attractively. India has reciprocal FTAs with every south Asian nation. Also this sub region is among the significant exchange accomplices of India. There are double suppositions of India about Chinese BRI initiative. In this research we found an answer of an inquiry that, regardless of whether BRI has sway on trade coordination among India and south Asian nations. We utilized a blended gravity model equation from Hayakawa et.al (2015) and Weerehewa (2009) inquire about papers to assess the aftereffects of variables.


  • South Asian countries have more or less same cultural, economic and social background

  • BIMSTEC are two articles for variable sources and the last column go about as a stimulus to the reinforcing not just is database for respective variable. Besides these 11 monetary collaboration among collaborators yet variables present researcher used some dummies bring down the costs, increment intra- (SAPTA, and APTA) as estimated by Weerehewa (2009). territorial exchange and venture, increment financial The present researcher added Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (Belt and Road proficiency, make a bigger market with more noteworthy Initiative) dummy to estimate impact of this noteworthy openings and bigger economies of scale for initiative on trade integration with south Asia and India

  • The BRI initiative could reduce the dominance of India over south Asian countries (Chung, 2018)

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South Asian countries have more or less same cultural, economic and social background. To foster the regional economic, social and cultural relationship there are some multilateral, bilateral initiatives among countries. Formation of SAARC (South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation) in 1985 was a flagship initiative of Bangladesh to enhance regional corridor is to expand the power generation capacity. Because Nepal, Bhutan are potential countries to generate power. Among all south Asian countries, India has Free Trade Agreements with all of the south Asian countries (Chung, 2018). The present article, the author uncovered the strategic and economic outcome of Chinese BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) in enhancing intraregional trade among India and south Asian countries

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