
The present study was undertaken for Anganwadi workers of Bikaner urban area. A need based awareness programme on HIV and AIDS developed implemented and evaluated for 60 randomly selected anganwadi workers from Bikaner urban area to see the impact of awareness programme on their knowledge about causes and consequences about HIV and AIDS. The programme was planned on the basis of the results of pretest. The framework for the awareness programme for anganwadi workers on HIV and AIDS was developed by the investigator in the form of objectives, content and behavioural outcome of HIV and AIDS. The present study was designed in one group pretest-posttest action research. The programme was conducted in three phases. Phase I pretest through duly pretested Interview Schedule, Phase II development, implementation and evaluation (through evaluation guidelines and observation proforma) of the programme and Phase III posttest of the group through same tool used for pretest on HIV and AIDS. The pretest and posttest scores of the knowledge of the AWWs were computed to find out gain in knowledge and knowledge retained after 10 days of exposure to the awareness programme. The data of present study were analyzed in term of gain in knowledge of the subjects. The major findings revealed that there was definite and positive impact of the awareness programme as reflected by the increased per cent of gain in knowledge of the anganwadi workers.

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