
Abstract Satellites provide the largest dataset for monitoring the earth system and constraining analyses in numerical weather prediction models. A significant challenge for utilizing satellite radiances is the accurate estimation of their biases. High-accuracy nonradiance data are commonly employed to anchor radiance bias corrections. However, aside from the impacts of radio occultation data in the stratosphere, the influence of other types of “anchor” observation data on radiance assimilation remains unclear. This study provides an assessment of impacts of dropsonde data collected during the Atmospheric River (AR) Reconnaissance program, which samples ARs over the northeast Pacific, on the radiance assimilation using the Global Forecast System (GFS) and Global Data Assimilation System at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The assimilation of this dropsonde dataset has proven crucial for providing enhanced anchoring for bias corrections and improving the model background, leading to an increase of ∼5%–10% in the number of assimilated microwave radiance in the lower troposphere/midtroposphere over the northeast Pacific and North America. The impact on tropospheric infrared radiance is not only small but also beneficial. Impacts of dropsondes on the use of stratospheric channels are minimal due to the absence of dropsonde observations at certain altitudes, such as aircraft flight levels (e.g., 150 hPa). Results in this study underscore the usefulness of dropsondes, along with other conventional data, in optimizing the assimilation of satellite radiance. This study reinforces the importance of a diverse observing network for accurate weather forecasting and highlights the specific benefits derived from integrating dropsonde data into radiance assimilation processes. Significance Statement This study aims to evaluate the impact of aircraft reconnaissance dropsondes on the assimilation of satellite radiance data, utilizing observations from the 2020 Atmospheric River Reconnaissance program. The key findings reveal a substantial enhancement in the model first guess and improved estimates of radiance biases. Notably, there is a significant 5%–10% increase in microwave radiance observations over the northeastern Pacific and North America, with positive yet modest effects observed in tropospheric infrared radiance. These findings underscore the crucial role of atmospheric river reconnaissance dropsondes as anchor data, enhancing the assimilation of radiance observations. In essence, the inclusion of these dropsondes in routine networks is particularly valuable for optimizing data assimilation in regions with sparse observational data.

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