
This study aims to identify the effects of settlement on the Egyptian village where the subject of settlement is one of the most serious issues affecting the Egyptian rural community، and the researcher chose a sample of 20 families of Arab origins who are existed in the village of Arab Abu Zekri, Qwessna district, Menofia as he made interviews with them based on interview schedule to identify the changes occurred in the social structure of the village under study and also the existed values and traditions. The researcher used the structural and functional theory and the ecological system theory and he also used the anthropological approach. The results have proved that there is a change has taken place in the social structure in the village under study. The agricultural land ownership and belonging to certain family are no longer the basis in determining the class position but and new determinates were adopted، the most important of which the financial wealth size in addition to the weakness of ties and relations linking the social structure due to preference of the personal interests and individual disputes to the interests of the community and family. The motives of migration and settlement manifested by the Arabs and the Palestinians in the village of Arab Abu Zekri are not only economic or social but they can be linked to psychological variables or other motives of same importance، and at the same time، the economic drivers occupy the first rank compared to the whole motives mentioned by the settlers، followed by the social motives. The politically drivers are one of basic motivations concerning the migration of some of them to the village and it was found that there is a change has occurred in the set of prevailing values adopted by those immigrants from the Arab tribes and the Palestinians and determining their behavior in the village as their new community, where it was clear that the economic values are prevailing, followed by the political values then the social values and finally the aesthetic ones.

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