
Ground-water quality was monitored for three years at two sites around clay-lined animal waste lagoons on the Delmarva Peninsula. A swine waste lagoon located in an Evesboro loamy sand soil (excessively well-drained) was having a severe impact on ground-water quality. Ammonium nitrogen concentrations above 1000 mg/liter N have been measured in shallow monitoring wells around the lagoon. Chloride and total dissolved solids concentrations were also high. At the second site which has three lagoons and a settling pond in poorly drained soils, some seepage was occurring. Ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, chloride and total dissolved solids were above background concentrations in some of the monitoring wells. There was a strong correlation between nitrate nitrogen and chloride concentrations in the monitoring wells. The results indicated that clay-lined animal waste lagoons located in sandy loam or loamy sand soils with high water tables may lead to degradation of ground-water quality.

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