
Agroforestry is a collective name of all agricultural processes related to the scientificmanagement of land that increases overall production under different manners. The security of our natural resources is decreasing every day, these processes will increase the pressure on natural forests andagriculture. We are staying on the stage where we have to take a hard decision to conserve our naturalresources and their sustainability. In this context, agroforestry makes sure a scientific solution to all theseproblems which provide a vast series of good public services. Under this review paper, we discussed variousenvironmental services and conclude that the incorporation of native tree species on farmland can diversifies the farm income and promote maximum use of land. While, Nutrient pumping is one of the best intangibleenvironmental services of the agroforestry system in which productivity of land can be utilized sharply, atthe same time agroforestry boosts the soil health in the course of decomposition of raw materials.Biodiversity and Carbon sequestration in agroforestry systems is typically higher than in conventionalagricultural systems. Two or more interacting plant species in a given area create a more complex habitatthat can support a wider variety of fauna. Tree cover accounts for more than 75% of the global carbon pool.Agroforestry can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation along with adaptation benefits.Adoption of agroforestry drove carbon storage and increased livelihoods simultaneously among small-scalefarmers. Agroforestry has a wide range of systems and practices, with their selection and use-dependent onecological, biophysical, and social factors. The main focus of agroforestry is to meet the needs of rural peoplein developing countries in a sustainable manner. Its growth and implementation have been closely linkedwith social and community forestry programs in developing countries.

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