
Castor crop during kharif season is often caught by vagaries of monsoon like delay in onset of monsoon and prolonged dry spells or even failure of monsoon on the other hand the crop may also severely affected by botryotinia gray rot at flowering/capsule stage in the event of incessant rainfall coupled with high relative humidity. To overcome these problems researchers have developed high yielding hybrids like ICH-66 and PCH-111 in traditional castor growing areas of Telanagana state. In addition to the hybrids, adoption of improved technologies increased levels of productivity. The research and on-farm demonstrations carried out in Telanagana during Kharif, 2018 to 2020 proved that, whole package/improved technology demonstrations were resulted in increased seed yield up to 36% in intercropping of castor with pegionpea and 39% with whole practice as compared to farmers practice.

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