
The thick, hard and water-impermeable seed coat cause physical dormancy and low germination rate in Albizia lebbeck (L.), to overcome this physical dormancy, seeds were pretreated with concentrated HCl and cold mist condition. Immersing seeds in concentrated HCl acid 37% for 30 and 45min effectively raised seed germination rate (35.56% and 46.67%) respectively as compared to control treatment (15.56%). Cold mist storage at 5◦C for 4 and 8 weeks also significantly increased germination percentage (51.11% and 68.89%) respectively. Furthermore, the combination of cold mist stratification for 8 weeks and immersion in HCl for 15min boost the germination rate to 75.56% an increase of 59.90% comparing to control treatment. For seedling parameters, all treatments have positive effects on the studied characters highest seedling height (37cm) and number of leaves per plant (18 leaves) where found in, 8 weeks cold mist condition, however, the combination of 15min acid scarification and 8 week cold mist stratification resulted in higher leaves area (207.52). Acid scarification and cold mist stratification both increased germinations and improved seedling features, but germination rates were highest and fastest when these treatments were applied together. The results suggest that to enhance seedling qualities, seed germination rate and speed, a combination of scarification and stratification should be used.

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