
In adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT), left-lobe grafts can sometimes be small-for-size. Although attempts have been made to prevent graft overperfusion through modulation of portal inflow, the optimal portal venous circulation for a liver graft is still unclear. Hepatic hemodynamics were analyzed with reference to graft function and outcome in 19 consecutive adult-to-adult LDLTs using left-lobe grafts without modulation of graft portal inflow. Overall mean graft volume (GV) was 398 g, which was equivalent to 37.8% of the recipient standard liver volume (SV). The GV/SV ratio was less than 40% in 13 of the 19 recipients. Overall mean recipient portal vein flow (PVF) was much higher than the left PVF in the donors. The mean portal contribution to the graft was markedly increased to 89%. Average daily volume of ascites revealed a significant correlation with portal vein pressure, and not with PVF. When PVP exceeds 25 mmHg after transplantation, modulation of portal inflow might be required in order to improve the early postoperative outcome. Although the study population was small and contained several patients suffering from tumors or metabolic disease, all 19 patients made good progress and the 1-year graft and patient survival rate were 100%. A GV/SV ratio of less than 40% or PVF of more than 260 mL/min/100 g graft weight does not contraindicate transplantation, nor is it necessarily associated with a poor outcome. Left-lobe graft LDLT is still an important treatment option for adult patients.

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