
Back ground: Liver cirrhosis is a serious chronic and irreversible disease which affects most of the body organs and systems and reduce the quality of life of patients. It needs a nursing guidelines to be developed according to patient's needs. Aim of the study is to investigate the impact of a designed nursing intervention protocol on quality of life for patients with liver cirrhosis at Internal Medical Department in Minia University Hospital, as indicated by knowledge related to liver cirrhosis, health problems relieve, prevention of complications and improving quality of life. To fulfill the aim of this study three research hypotheses were formulated. Quasi-experimental research design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. Patients and methods: The study sample included 50 male and female adult patients with liver cirrhosis. They were matched and allocated randomly into two groups, study and control (25 patients each). Setting: internal medical department, Minia University Hospital. Three tools were utilized for data collection; socio-demographic and medical data sheet, pre/post knowledge assessment questionnaire, Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire. Structured interview was utilized for data collection. An immediate post- test, and after three months post-test were performed. Results of the study documented a significant improvement in knowledge after implementation of the nursing intervention protocol. The study hypothesis of participation in the nursing intervention protocol will demonstrate an improvement in their quality of life scores as compared to prior participation was approved. In conclusion, continuous education and follow up of liver cirrhosis patients is needed to prevent the complications of cirrhosis and improvement of health related quality of life of cirrhotic patients. Replication of this study on larger probability sample is highly recommended. Key wards: Designed Nursing Intervention Protocol- Liver Cirrhosis- Quality of Life

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