
An evaluation of the impact of a nationwide clinic-based growth monitoring (GM) programme was done in Lesotho to determine if clinic attendance was associated with improved maternal knowledge of weaning practices and diarrhoea. A total of 907 mothers from eight clinics were included in the study. Our results showed that mothers who had attended the clinics knew more about the appropriate timing for introducing animal protein-rich foods in the child's diet and about the use of oral rehydration salts for diarrhoea, than those who had not. The difference in knowledge between previous clinic attendants and new attendants was particularly marked among mothers with less than secondary schooling and mothers with young babies (less than 6 months). From observation in the clinics, we believe that group nutrition education, although it was not integrated with growth monitoring, was probably responsible for the positive association between clinic attendance and maternal knowledge. Prior clinic attendance was not specifically associated with improved knowledge about feeding during diarrhoea or the need to stop breastfeeding gradually. These need to be better incorporated into present clinic nutrition education. Whether improvements in growth monitoring would further significantly improve nutrition education remains to be seen.

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