
Introduction: Pregnancy and childbirth are major event which happens in the life of a woman. Fear and anxiety are very common in couples.Feelings of protectiveness towards the partner and child also can be anxiety producing for the expectant father. Each task depicts the inherent change in both structure and function of the male's family role which is influenced by society and the family unit. A birth training programme was conducted among expectant couples and assessed their knowledge and anxiety level in a selected hospital Bangalore. Methods and materials: By purposive sampling technique 20 couples were selected and allotted into experimental and control group. Knowledge and anxiety of mothers and their husbands were assessed. Findings revealed that there was a significant difference in knowledge between experimental and control group (p <0.001) mothers and husbands. There was a significant difference in anxiety level between experimental and control group (p<0.001) mothers and husbands. Conclusion: The study reveals that a training programme to be conducted for a couple in order to help them to manage and face the pregnancy period and labour process without anxiety and fear.

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