
We investigate impact basin relaxation on Iapetus by combining a 3D thermal evolution model (Robuchon, G., Choblet, G., Tobie, G., Cadek, O., Sotin, C., Grasset, O. [2010]. Icarus 207, 959–971) with a spherical axisymmetric viscoelastic relaxation code (Zhong, S., Paulson, A., Wahr, J. [2003]. Geophys. J. Int. 155, 679–695). Due to the progressive cooling of Iapetus, younger basins relax less than older basins. For an ice reference viscosity of 10 14 Pa s, an 800 km diameter basin relaxes by 30% if it formed in the first 50 Myr but by 10% if it formed at 1.2 Gyr. Bigger basins relax more rapidly than smaller ones, because the inferred thickness of the ice shell exceeds the diameter of all but the largest basins considered. Stereo topography shows that all basins 600 km in diameter or smaller are relaxed by 25% or less. Our model can match the relaxation of all the basins considered, within error, by assuming a single basin formation age (4.36 Ga for our nominal viscosity). This result is consistent with crater counts, which show no detectable age variation between the basins examined.

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