
Pressure and impact analysis requires information on the main drivers and changes in conditions. In order to analyze such pressures and impacts, each river basin requires: an analysis of its characteristics, a review of the impact of human activity on the status of the surface water and an economic analysis of water use. Pressure and impact analysis plays a central role in the planning of river basin management. The quality of the stream at any point depends on several major factors: lithology of the basin, weather conditions, climate, and human impacts. Most of the polluters are located in the big cities next to canal DTD Becej-Bogojevo canal (Odzaci,Vrbas, Srbobran, Becej). Per year, 2900000 m3 of wastewater was discharged into the Becej-Bogojevo section of the DTD canal: 1,4 tCOD, 0,8 0tBOD, 260 kg of nitrogen, 19 kg of phosphorus and 282 kg of suspended solids. Of the total volume of wastewater, 20% comes from industry and 80% from municipal wastewater. Most of the wastewaters from the studied polluters is discharged untreated or insufficiently treated (only primary treatment). This poor quality wastewater threatens the receipients into which its is discharged. Comparison of the wastewater quality results to the Decree on emission limits and deadlines for their achievement, shows that many polluters exceed the limits for all parameters (COD, BOD, nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended solids). On the basis of the physico-chemical analysis of the water from the DTD Becej-Bogojevo canal it can be concluded that the water quality is unsatisfactory. According to the national legislation, the water quality exceeds the values for good potential streams for most parameters at all sampling locatio dissolved oxygen, organic matter and nutrients). Thus, we can conclude that the water in the studied section of the DTD Becej-Bogojevo canal does not meet the criteria for "good ecological potential". The most vulnerable locations are downstream of the Vrbas and downstream of the Becej, while the best quality canal water is at the furthest upstream location (CS Bogojevo). Risk assessment based on monitoring results indicates that the water of the studied section of the DTD Becej-Bogojevo canal is probably at risk of failing to meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive, as 33% of the analyzed parameters to calculate specific risk ratios were greater than 1, and thus fall into the category of pollutants medium risk. In order to achieve the quality (to achieve good status and good potential), there must be a response from industrial producers, which consists primarily of comprehensively understanding the problems and implementing measures to minimize the impact of these problems.


  • Granične vrednosti za utvrđivanje značaja izvora zagađenja su zasnovane na kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom sadržaju polutanata u otpadnim vodama, a na osnovu Uredbe o graničnim vrednostima emisije zagađujućih materija u vode i rokovima za njihovo dostizanje [15], Direktive koja se odnosi na integrisanu prevenciju i kontrolu zagađenja [16], Zakona o integrisanom sprečavanju i kontroli zagađenja [17], Evropskog registra emisije zagađenja [18] i strateškog dokumenta Nemačke državne radne grupe za vodu (LAWA) [8], a svakako i preporukama Inter-Tabela 3

  • Prema kriterijumima za industrijske otpadne vode, nijedno industrijsko postrojenje ne predstavlja značajan pritisak na recipijent, pošto su emitovana opterećenja manja od kriterijuma

  • Risk assessment, based on monitoring results, indicates that the water of the studied section of the DTD Bečej–Bogojevo canal is probably at risk of failing to meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive, as 33% of the analyzed parameters to calculate specific risk ratios were greater than 1, and falls into the category of medium risk pollutants

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Osnovni izvori zagađivanja površinskih voda su koncentrisani izvori zagađivanja (naselja, industrija i poljoprivreda), koji ispuštaju otpadne vode preko kanalizacionog sistema ili kanala u vodoprijemnike ili ih odlažu na zemljište. PEŠIĆ i sar.: KVALITET VODE KANALA DTD BEČEJ–BOGOJEVO ispuštanja otpadnih voda u površinske vode“ kako bi obezbedila pomoć onima koji sprovode postupak procene rizika ispuštanja otpadnih voda [5]. Potreba procene uticaja ispuštanja otpadnih voda na površinske vode zavisi od osetljivosti vodnih tela na zagađivače i od samih pritisaka zagađivanja [7]. DPSIR analitički okvir za analizu antropogenih pritisaka, procenu uticaja i preliminarnu procenu rizika ne postizanja „dobrog statusa“ površinskih voda u planiranom vremenskom periodu se zasniva na kombinovanom korišćenju raspoloživih podataka o izvorima pritisaka, o samim pritiscima, stanju vodnih tela (u pogledu hemijskih karakteristika), propisa o zaštiti voda i životne sredine, kao i procena značajnih pritisaka i procena rizika. U ovom radu je izvršena karakterizacija vode kanala DTD Bečej–Bogojevo i procena uticaja ispuštanja otpadnih voda.

Elektrohemijski pH
Identifikacija i karakterizacija pritisaka zagađenja na kanalu
Bačko Gradište
Analiza značajnih pritisaka
Procena uticaja na osnovu monitoringa recipijenta
Reahem Srbobran
Specifični količnik rizika
Nizvodno od Nizvodno od uliva Krivaje Bečeja
CS Bogojevo
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