
Rural sector is the main focus of economic development of a riparian state like Assam. Development of rural areas is sine qua non for enhancement of agricultural sector and betterment of rural communities. Microfinance intervention acts as an effective tool in the development of socio economic fabric of the rural society. Microfinance through Self Help Groups (SHGs) is making headway in its effort for promoting income generating enterprises to reach the credit delivery system among the rural poor. The present study was devoted to explore the socioeconomic impact of microfinance through SHG-bank linkage programme on income and employment of farmers in Dibrugarh district of Assam. The findings of the study revealed that the SHG-bank linkage programme had significantly improved the access to financial services for the farmer members. The SHG-bank linkage programme empowered the farmer members substantially and contributed to increase in income and living standard in the post SHG period as compared to the pre SHG period.

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