
The article is devoted to an overview of current trends in the development of digital technologies in the state’s economic energy sector and an analysis of their impact on the hospitality industry. In the course of the study, criteria of practical importance were determined for the hospitality industry business structures. The same is done with the digital transformation of the energy sector economy. Methods. A study of the digital energy development features and their impact on the structure of enterprise expenses in the hospitality industry was carried out. An analysis of the energy complex activities was done within the framework of the Russian economy digital transformation concept, and an assessment of the hospitality industry risks was given, within the framework of the chosen research area. Results. A model was developed for assessing the impact of the digital transformation of the energy sector economy on the hospitality industry. The points of the interconnection of domestic power grid companies with enterprises in the hospitality industry are highlighted. The key tools for supporting enterprises in the hospitality industry are clustered, depending on their degree of influence by the digital transformation tools of the economy of the country’s energy sector. Conclusions. It is possible to take advantage of promising technological trends in the energy sector. The country’s economy can allocate effort to the transition of the hospitality industry business structures. It would transition the digitization of individual tasks to the digital transformation of the whole industry. Based on the analysis of the digital transformation impact of the energy sector economy on the hospitality industry development, recommendations were specified on the establishment of a policy of soft influence of digital energy on the development of the hospitality industry.

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