
Eighty per cent of rat blastocysts (Wistar, SW72) cultured for 96 h in NCTC-109 supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS) hatched from the zona pellucida and developed a trophoblast giant cell lyer. Thirty seven per cent from the rat blastocysts developed an inner cell mass (ICM) which, in about 7% consisted of two germ layers (ectoderm and endoderm) compared to 84% in NMRI mice. A significantly better ICM development was obtained with cultured rat blastocysts that had hatched in vivo. Similar to the in vivo situation LDH-5 was present in rat blastocysts after implantation in NCTC-109-FCS. Differentiation of C57BL mouse blastocysts in NCTC-109-FCS proceeded as poorly as in the rat. ICM development of rat and mouse blastocysts in NCTC-109-FCS was studied in detail. ICMs of the two species were isolated immunosurgically using complement from different species, e.g. human, rat and rabbit complement, since guinea-pig complement did not lyse trophectoderm cells of rat blastocysts. All immunosurgically isolated rat ICMs degenerated within 48 h, but mouse ICMs isolated with rat or rabbit complement developed significantly better than mouse ICMs isolated with guinea-pig complement. Determinations of the blastocyst total cell number (BTCN) and of the cell number of immunosurgically isolated ICMs were performed in rat and mouse blastocysts to investigate growth kinetics of the ICM before implantation in vitro. In the mouse an exponential increase in both BTCN and cell number of the ICM was observed during the 48 h before implantation in NCTC-109-FCS and also during the 16-24 h before implantation in vivo. In the rat, doubling of the BTCN was found only during the first 24 h in NCTC-109-FCS and there was hardly any increase in the cell number of the ICM during the first 48 h in culture. ICM growth of blastocysts in NCTC-109-FCS is therefore, stimulated in the mouse before and after implantation and in the rat it is inhibited already before implantation.

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