
Polyclonal antisera against two related command neuropeptides (CNP2 and CNP4) described in neurons of the terrestrial snail Helix were used in a study of the nervous system of the earthworm Lumbricus. The CNP-like peptides belong to the same neuropeptide subfamily and bear a C-terminal signature sequence Tyr-Pro-Arg-X. The distribution patterns of immunoreactive (IR) neurons were studied in the central nervous system (CNS), skin, and stomatogastric nervous system of the earthworm. IR neurons were found in all CNS ganglia, the patterns being similar for both antibodies used. Several clusters of IR cells were observed in the cerebral and subesophageal ganglia. In the ventral cord ganglia, the number of IR cells decreased in the rostro-caudal direction, and the IR cells sent their fibers mostly into the median fiber bundle. Segmental nerves contained no IR fibers. After injury of the worm body, the number of IR neurons in the CNS significantly increased. In the skin, IR sensory neurons were present in sensory buds. The stomatogastric ganglia only contained IR fibers. Numerous scattered IR neurons were found in the inner subepithelial layer of the esophagus and formed the enteric plexus in which the cell bodies displayed a segmentally repeated pattern. Possible involvement of CNP-like-IR neurons in central integratory processes, sensory processes, and the regulation of feeding is discussed.

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