
Many convalescents of the new coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including mild and moderate severity, have frequent acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and other diseases of the ENT organs during the first 6 months after recovery. A well-known problem of COVID-19 is immune disorders due to the negative impact of the virus on the immune system, which is associated with various consequences described as a post-COVID syndrome. One of the manifestations of post-COVID syndrome is a decrease in infection resistance due to the immunodeficiency state. In particular, exacerbations of bacterial and viral ENT diseases, frequent ARVI, and exacerbation of herpes virus infection were reported. Moreover, the infections tend to be prolonged, cyclic, and often recurrent, significantly reducing patients' physical activity and quality of life. ARVI symptoms, accompanying the post-COVID syndrome, negatively affect the general condition of patients. Immunocorrection can interrupt the vicious circle of recurrent ARVI and restore impaired immunity after COVID-19. The immunomodulatory drug Galavit has a pathogenetic basis for use in the post-COVID period to restore the immune system. It was shown effective in preventing frequent recurrent ARVI and herpes virus infection in patients in the post-COVID period. The article shows the experience of using Galavit in coronavirus infection convalescents with frequent episodes of acute respiratory infections.

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