
Polyvalent antivenin prepared against the Egyptian snake venoms, Naja haje, N. nigricollis, Cerastes vipera, C. cerastes, Echis carinatus and Walterinnesia aegyptia; against the African snake venoms, Dendroaspis polylepis, Bitis gabonica and B. arietans as well as the Asian snake venoms, Trimeresurus flavoviridis. was tested by neutralization and immunodiffusion experiments. The antivenin was of high potency against Egyptian venoms especially C. vipera and C. cerastes, followed by Walterinnesia aegyptia, N. haje, Echis carinatus, N. nigricollis, T. flavoviridis, B. arietans, and B. gabonica. Comparison of the polyvalent antivenin and monovalent B. gabonica antivenin revealed that while the polyvalent serum was of better effectiveness against the Egyptian viper venoms, especially Cerastes venoms, more protection was provided by the monovalent serum against B. gabonica venom.

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