
Relevance. Reproductive insufficiency of sows associated with circovirus infection is widespread in pig breeding enterprises. Therefore, an increase in the effectiveness of immunity formed in animals during the post-vaccination period is of crucial importance in the formation of the reproductive potential of sows.Methods. The work was performed on sows, which at the end of the suckling period during weaning of piglets (on the 21st day after delivery) were vaccinated against CVS-2 with the “Ingelvak Circoflex” vaccine (Germany). In the experimental group, vaccination was combined with a two-time administration of a targeted immunobiostimulator “Transfer Factor” at a dose of 5 ml per head with an interval of 7 days (the second administration of “Transfer Factor” was carried out during vaccination). The effectiveness of post-vaccination immunity was evaluated based on the results of immunological, zootechnical and statistical studies.Results. It was found that the formation of post-vaccination immunity in control group sows occurs under conditions of an increase in the concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood (∑G + M + A) by 1.25–1.59 times due to IgG and IdM, a decrease in the absolute number of T- and B-lymphocytes by 11.84–15.51% and 14.12–17.51% while maintaining their percentage share in the total pool of lymphocytes, a decrease in the level of T-helpers by 34.27–36.47 against the background of an increase in cytotoxic lymphocytes and killers by 4.47–66.67%, which determines the yield of piglets per farrow in the amount of 12.5 heads and stillbirth at the level of 9.67%. The combination of vaccination with the introduction of a specific targeted immunobiostimulator in sows of the experimental group determines in the post–vaccination period; an increase in the concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood by 24.93–71.56% due to IgG; a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes by 19.50–23.76% against the background of an increase in B-lymphocytes by 20.00–21.25%; preservation of the absolute number of T-helpers and reducing the number of cytotoxic lymphocytes and killers by 2.14–3.00 times, contributing to a 3.24% reduction in stillbirth and an increase in the yield of piglets per farrowing to 13.0 heads.

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