
Organ transplantation is considered an exaggerated immune state in which the body reacts in an elaborate cascade of reactions against the lifesaving graft transplanted. Unrepairable organ damage is the main indication for a pediatric patient to undergo a transplant. The host and the donor must fulfill the criteria for a successful transplant to have as few side effects as possible. There has been much-needed research in the domain of surgery of organ transplantation, thereby extending into the pediatric age group. This article elaborates on the post-transplant management, the immuno-biochemistry aspect, and its post-surgery treatment. The post-surgery period requires great emphasis as morbidity and mortality are highest. There is much to understand about managing transplant patients to avoid complications such as infections, hypertension, or side effects of immunosuppressive drugs. The treating clinician faces the challenges of managing the dose and frequency of immuno-suppressive medicines to prevent complications in the patients. If the dose is inadequate, there are chances of graft rejection. If the immuno-suppression is prolonged, there may be chances of infections in the patient. This article aims to summarize the mechanism of graft rejection and put forth the need for further research about creating a universal protocol for managing a patient's immune system post-transplant. The authors hope this protocol will help the clinician better understand the patient's current state and help in appropriately using immuno-suppressive drugs. It calls upon the need for a reliable and easily repeatable battery of investigations that will help solve this dilemma.

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